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About Me

๐Ÿ“› Name: iKnowYourPain
๐ŸŒ Server: Dark Cacao
๐Ÿ—ก Guild: RUSHUN

I'm a conservation Cookie Run: Kingdom player, and this site is a place where you can get the latest guides, advice, and information on the competitive aspects of the game.

From Kingdom Arena to Cookie Alliance, Red Velvet Dragon (RVD), Avatar of Destiny (AOD), and Living Abyss (LA), I'm committed to providing detailed insight into the best strategies, effective team compositions, and superior tactics.

I always follow the latest developments in the game's meta to ensure that my guides are always up to date. I'm also a Free-to-Play (F2P) player.

BTW I have a guild called "RUSHUN". Members must be committed to daily growth and participation in guild battles, using a minimum of 15x tickets per week.

I also have a Discord server (RUSHUN Guild) where you can join our community.